Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week in Review

It has been a really great week. I can't believe how fast my little boy is growing. Monday was his one month birthday. He is looking more and more like Nic every day. I love this picture of Nic and Max watching TV together. Max looks like mini-Nic.

This week Max started to really smile at people. The very first time I was sure he was smiling in response to someone was Thursday. I had my postpartum appointment (early for some odd reason), and the midwife walked in and talked to Max and he gave her the biggest smile. Then later during the appointment he smiled at me. It totally melted my heart!

He's been smiling more and more every day since. It was good practice for charming his visitors that attended his baby blessing on Sunday. My parents, my sister and her family, and my uncle and his grandkids all came out for the blessing. Nic gave a really beautiful blessing, and he didn't even sound nervous.

After sacrament meeting we came back to my house for a little bit of brunch. Somehow, I decided on having breakfast casseroles. I don't know why; I don't think I've ever had a breakfast casserole before. Mom mom and I each made one and they were delicious!

My mom made this one, which is like all of your yummy breakfast foods in one pan. I think my mom added bacon, and you can't go wrong with bacon!

I made this one, which is probably the most unhealthy food you could possibly eat. But it was super delicious. It comes out kind of like a savory french toast.


We all had a great time visiting, and the kids had fun playing games. They even had a lively croquet match in the back yard.

The week ended with Nic having the sweetest daddy moment. Max was sitting in his little bouncy seat, and Nic was sticking his tongue out at him. Max thought for a minute and then gave Nic the biggest smile and stuck his tongue out, too. I don't know which was cuter, Max's smile or Nic's reaction. :)


Rachel Kirk said...

i was so happy to see little max's pictures up on your blog! I loved alot of his pictures. I am so happy for you. He is such an angel!

Unknown said...

He is soooo cute!

Trisha said...

I LOVE the Pioneer Woman! And I made that some dish this past week for our company! I didn't like it as much as everyone else did.